Oracle vim config

This page gives a pretty good overview of tweaks you can do, so I just want to re-gurgitate what I have done (from that site).

Syntax Highlighting

Grab the file:, and save this in: ~/.vim/syntax/

Then edit your .vimrc file and add the following line (to auto detect the filetype based on the extension):

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.fun,*.pks,*.pkb,*.sql,*.pls,*.plsql    set filetype=plsql

Auto Indentation

Grab the file:, and save this in ~/.vim/indent/

Then edit your .vimrc file and add the following line

runtime! indent.vim


Though, I prefer just to use auto indent - there are some special situations where it wont calculate the indentation correctly using the indentation file above.

So this gives me the following in my .vimrc file:
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.fun,*.pks,*.pkb,*.sql,*.pls,*.plsql    set filetype=plsql
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.fun,*.pks,*.pkb,*.sql,*.pls,*.plsql    set nosmartindent

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